Once can save your business far more money than you pay in subscription costs. In addition to the huge saving in time and improvement in efficiency there are many direct cost savings:
- – Eliminate numerous incorrect orders that can be very costly both financially and to your reputation.
- – No more handwriting transcription errors.
- – No calculation errors for prices or fabric lengths
- – Once warns you when width or drops are outside of maximum limits.
- – Once warns you when a fabric must be turned and also if it can be turned.
- – Warnings for missing information such as the child safety fixing height.
- – Appointment confirmation email or SMS messages so fewer wasted journeys
- – Distance between appointments and map view of appointments to minimise travelling times and fuel costs.
The cost reduction in buying carbon paper pads can be similar to the subscription cost!
CLICK HERE to setup a live demo with one of our team to get started.