What is a Catalogue in Once Connected?
The catalogue is simply the set of product data within your system that you use to create quotations. Within Once you can have as many or few products in your catalogue as you like and you customise this catalogue to suite your business.
What is the Central Catalogue?
The Central Catalogue is a fast growing collection of product data from multiple trade suppliers and is updated throughout the year with any changes we are made aware of.
Using central catalogue product data saves you having to enter all your supplier information and pricing into the system yourself and makes implementation and ongoing maintenance much easier. You are in full control of your product range. Central Catalogue products can be individually enabled or disabled from with Once Setup using a simple tick box. You can then customise the product pricing to your business by simply applying your own mark-up and supplier trade discounts.
Click THIS LINK to see the trade suppliers currently available in the central catalogue.
What are Local Catalogues?
Using Once with local catalogues means you have to setup and manage your own supplier data. This is only necessary if you need to customise the names of the products/fabrics or to sell products that are not available from any other trade supplier.
You can build your own product data from a blank start or purchase local catalogues templates from our collection.
Our Recommendation
We have released the central catalogue feature to make Once an easier, simpler system to setup and manage. We are working hard to expand the central catalogue of products to include all major suppliers and products. Our goal is to eliminate the need for users to manage and maintain their own local catalogue of product data.
We recommend wherever possible you work with central catalogues and replace any local catalogues with the newer central equivalent.
Click THIS LINK to see the trade suppliers currently available in the central catalogue.